Saturday, January 17, 2009

The wonderful four-legged girl...

Many people have asked me, "So how is Roamy doing with the baby?". This was a real unknown - it had been just the three of us in the house for the last 7 years and I wasn't sure how Roamy would do. Well - I should never have doubted. After about a month adjustment period when she wasn't quite sure what a baby was, she has become the perfect monitor, consoler and protector. The picture is a pretty accurate summary - in Roamy's eyes, our family has just expanded by two more legs and now we all spend a lot more time on the floor! Every morning Roamy has to sniff Elizabeth and lick the top of her head. (While some may freak at this, I subscribe to the school of thought that no one ever died from a puppy kiss!) If Elizabeth cries, Roamy will run to get someone or will try to give her a kiss of comfort. And bathtime is truly hilarious! When we put Elizabeth in her little tub, Roamy just sits with her head on the big bathtub with this look of sheer sympathy like 'I'm so sorry - they make me do it, too!'. Thankfully Elizabeth enjoys bathtime significantly more than Roamy... But how lucky can you get? Not only do we have one perfect two-legged baby, we have one wonderful four-legged one, too.


The MessyBlessyMomma said...

I am glad she's doing so well. I was wondering too!!!!

Fisher & Phillips said...

absolutely precious