Saturday, January 3, 2009

NFL Playoffs

Well, since the Packers didn't make the playoffs this year (sniffle), we are all united in supporting the Colts. Even Elizabeth got dressed up for the occasion... Elizabeth has made amazing changes in Jarod's football-watching habits. If she sits on his lap, he can't throw anything! Guess she does have her Daddy wrapped already...

Even though we're currently cheering for the Colts, there is a serious reason to believe that Elizabeth will be a die-hard Packer fan. Thanks to our friends the Stirlens, we learned a fun fact. Elizabeth was born on the anniversary of the date that the Packers played their first game - October 23, 1921. She knew greatness even in utero!

But, for now, GO COLTS!

1 comment:

The MessyBlessyMomma said...

Um, AC, she had daddy about 9 years ago when he said he couldn't wait to be a daddy of a girl. Man, he's sure got patience, and what a good thing. She's simply perfect!