Monday, August 3, 2009

My Grandpa's Car

We had heard it many times - kids don't need expensive toys to be happy. Well, we can guarantee that to be true. One of Elizabeth's true favorites stemmed from our recent move and her Grandpa Dave's ability to generate great noises. She seemed absolutely enamored by our empty boxes and Grandpa Dave started to play with her in it. This has now resulted in Elizabeth's "car". It is a copier box with a long string looped through it that Grandpa pulls her around the house in. Giggles abound!!! Of course it wouldn't be the same without the 'zoom zooms', screeching breaks and idling noises Grandpa Dave makes which would lead you to believe the 'car' needs new shocks. But - no matter if maintenance is needed - Elizabeth couldn't be happier in it.

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